The CLEAN ENERGY PATENT GROWTH INDEX (CEPGI), published quarterly by the Cleantech Group at Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti P.C. provides an indication of the trend of innovative activity in the Clean Energy sector. Results from the third quarter of 2014 reveal the CEPGI to have a value of 1040 granted U.S. patents, which is the highest total for any quarter on record, breaking the 1000 barrier and being 100 more than the second quarter of this year. The third quarter was also 283 more than the same quarter the year before. The clean energy patent crown stayed in the same hands for the first time in several quarters as Toyota retained Top Dog status. Solar patents were again on top, leading the other technology sectors in the third quarter for the sixth quarter in a row. Runner up Fuel Cells trailed by over 70 patents.
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